You might all know a bit about us and what we offer so far from our Social Media posts. What is behind SensAsian Fare and SensAsian Food is purely the passion and love for food, travel and human connections!
I was working in multinational companies since I moved to Cork 12 years ago, when my daughter was born. Cork is so different to where I came from (Hong Kong), a city that is full of skyscrapers, people, shops, hustle and bustle, nightlife and markets! However the longer I live here, the more I love the way Ireland is, the lovely friendly people, the green everywhere, the fresh air and the nature beauty around us, not to mention the wild Atlantic Ocean and wind that I really miss whenever I went abroad!
While a stable office job was nice, food is something that really touches me and connects people and places. I love to cook food that I used to eat or have tasted on my travels, because the smell and the taste brings back the memories of places, the people and what we experienced. It is simple but amazing! It made me think that I should start my own business to allow others to experience new flavours, and to share the joy of how food can connect people, cultures and yourself! It took me few years before we opened the shop, but the experience of operating in the farmers market, is undoubtedly priceless. I met such a lot of lovely people in the markets, I love the way food served us our common interest, but we would be more like friends and family after seeing them regularly, and sharing our stories and life. This is a blessing that I never expected but I feel so grateful !
So the concept of SensAsian Fare is more than just a place for good food and good Ingredients, but also that human touch and care. We are a small local business, we do not have the power of the giant supermarket chains, but we care what we serve and what we sell. We believe that ‘We are what we eat" and that "Food is Medicine", if we eat well and eat less processed food, health and wellness will follow. I hope you all think the same!